post response:
original post: here
1. [+75, -3]
It's a shirt that was gifted to him by a fan in 2018
"Is this real life?..
I wanted to see Taehyungie wearing pink so ã…
At the end, I sent him as a giftã… ã…
Pink.. pink TaeTaeðŸ˜ðŸ’œ
Is too pretty ã… ã… It suits him ã… ã…
Thank youã… ã… "
2. [+59, -6]
It looks like he has a bare face, handsome
3. [+55, -5]
He's just a bare faced pretty boy
4. [+44, -1]
That's an expensive strawberry to Taehyungie
"What moms think that world class idol's standard of expensive strawberries is"
"Taehyungie's standard of expensive strawberries (your usual delivery strawberry)"
5. [+45, -5]
F*cking handsome
6. [+33, 0]
I like Kim V so so much. The live was too short in a tantalizing way ã…‹