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1. Wonyoungie was the MC so that's why she was wearing that since she had to MC right away~ As soon as the red carpet was over, the ceremony started!! Maybe because I'm a fan but... I think that all the kids wore cute and cool outfits so please refrain from leaving bad words...!ㅜ

2. I wished that Rei would also wear a black outfit with white accents... Jang Wonyoung is the MC but Rei is standing out too much which is a shame

3. I was wondering why do they keep dressing up Wonyong like that? But turns out she was the MC; but her outfit is a bit a of a shame

4. I kinda feel like the combination of their outfit looks messy ㅠ

5. It's the first time Wonyoung looks short to me

6. Their outfits are better than I thought...?? They just look so pretty!!

7. Do they have 6 coordis? Why do they always dress them up so different

8. Liz and Rei always get weird outfits...

9. Wonyoung's dress looks way too weirdㅠ it looks like feathersㅜ

10. Rei is cute

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