1. Our Jiyeonieㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ live happily❣️❣️
2. Unnie-yah, live happily ㅜㅜ you guys match
3. Too pretty, please live happily
4. What a handsome and pretty couple
5. The last pictures is so pretty, be happy
6. Jiyeonie is freaking pretty. Hwang Jae Gyun is a good person, be happy
7. You're telling me that the maknae got married first? I still can't believe it
8. The pictures are so well-taken. It must be nice looking back at good pictures. Be happy!!!!
9. The pictures came out so well. They are different from commoners
10. They look so happy in the first picture. The picture of them hugging is so cuteㅋㅋㅋ be happy 👏👏