Idol: I can't show you a side of me that you will like right away, but I can show you a side of me who will always be improving 
Fan: You're already 5 years into your debut, it's funny that you're even still trying to practice. Please practice more, I'm so embarrassed by you that I can't even bring myself to say I like The Boyz 
Idol: ㅎㅎ Thank you for your pretty words. Aja Aja fighting 


post response:
original post: here

1. [+122, -3]
Wow.. Honestly kids who are able to write stuff like that in their private message seriously probably lack some intelligenceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Especially the Kim Younghoon die hard fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Damn itㅋㅋㅋ 

2. [+107, -3]
I'm more impressed at his fan posting this to brag

3. [+85, -15]
Ha f*cking b*tch doesn't know how lucky she is and is just bullsh*tting like that. She never tried fangirling on Yeol-cheater so she doesn't know how good she has fangirling on Yuonghoon? Meanwhile someone else is claiming he's a musical genius so he doesn't even put a single effort in anything he does f*ck she's a crazy b*tch 

4. [+79, -1]
Why would you pay an app if you're going to send this type of meesages? Just spend this on a drink or something instead

5. [+78, -4]
Kids like those should just admit they're hate stanning 

6. [+27, -1]
For real the fangirling culture has gone f*cking too far. She's probably way too deep in it to realize for herself, but she's completely losing it. People who fangirl this hard are seriously the worst

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