"At that time, Lee Da Hee was in 3rd year high school, and was sitting in the audience at the gymnasium for Click B's "4 People 4 Colors(?) concert". Once Click B finished performing, during their speech, member Oh Jong Hyuk revealed his relationship with Lee Da Hee for the first time, saying, "My girlfriend is here." The fans thought that Oh Jong Hyuk was joking, but then, the stage light illuminated on Lee Da Hee in the audience and Oh Jong Hyuk declared "This woman is the woman I love". 
Lee Da hee was moved to tears, and the Click B fans either ran out of the concert hall crying or were cheering in confusion. This was the incident in which rather than winning the woman he loved, Oh Jong Hyuk lost half of his fans."

post response:
original post: here

1. [+90, -0]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At that time too, he got f*cking sworn at and in the and, he couldn't even keep his couple so it just became a dark past of hisㅋㅋ Meanwhile, his girlfriend Lee Da Hee succeeded

2. [+79, -0]
This isn't even mannerly towards the fans. I would've quit the fandom right there

3. [+57, -0]
I thought it was fiction, but it actually happened

4. [+30, -0]
He turned the fans into his bridesmaids

5. [+21, -1]
Still at that time, the fans weren't like they are today where they spend their time doing sajaegi for the idols, so they just thought that he lacked manners doing that. If we're talking about fans nowadays who are pouring fortunes to support their bias... It'll make me wonder if he wants to be eaten alive..Nowadays, if you want to date, you can reveal it organically so you can at least maintain some fans. Don't they know that dating rumors will kill the fan s

6. [+19, -0]
The company probably made him pay a penalty fee and kicked him out 

7. [+17, -0]
Wow this is such a lack of consideration towards the fans?

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