After he shot Valkyrie (2008) he said he saw how he gained weight [on the movie] so he started dieting



He worked hard dieting 
This is Tom Cruise when he was promoting Valkyrie

Those were the pictures that went viral 

At that time, he was 47

original post: here

1. Where did he gain weight....!!!!!

2. I was wondering where did he gain weight and scrolled down, he just looks so coolㅠㅠ F*cking handsome 

3. Where is the weightㅠㅠ I just came back from Top Gun earlier and Tom Cruise was crazy. I'm searching him up everywhere now 

4. He does looks like he lost weight but I don't see where he gained weightㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. What weight!!! But he still is damn cool 

6. F*cking handsome 

7. Why is he looking with this gaze?

8. Oppa I love you

9. I can't believe that when he looked his all-time handsome... He was 47?? That's insaneㅋㅋ

10. If a handsome person manages themselves, they get even more handsome... 

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