post response:
original post: here

1. [+152, -5]
She's so pretty that I'm not even jealous 

2. [+109, -3]

3. [+86, -3]

4. [+71, -1]

5. [+61, -2]
Son Yejin, Kim Taehee, Han Gain, Son Hyekyo and Jun Jihyun all promoted in the same generation. I liked how they were all good at acting and promoted a lot. Ever since their generation, it's been a long time since I've seen pretty rookie actresses

6. [+47, -1]

7. [+45, -1]

8. [+41, 0]
When Tae-pretty participated in Mudo in 2006... even calling her a "goddess" back then didn't do her justice

9. [+37, -1]

10. [+36, -1]

11. [+35, -1]

12. [+34, 0]
Even her proportions are good

13. [+31, -1]

14. [+30, -1]

15. [+29, 0]
Kim Heesun, Lee Young Ae and Song Yoon Ah were all pretty standing next to her but Kim Taehee is Kim Taehee

16. [+28, 0]

17. [+25, 0]

16. [+25, 0]

17. [+24, 0]
Legendary ã… 

18. [+22, 0]

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