200905 크래비티 세림 영통팬싸 #박세림 #셂바보러비티
— 유교비티 (@SeRiMe_0303) September 5, 2020
세상에 이런 아이돌은 없을 것 같다
"유교비티"이름 보여줬는데
예전에 편지에 한번적은 내이름 불러주고
대본필요없다고 혼자1분을 다채웠다
공카편지 다 읽고있고 그것에 대해 속상해해주는 세림이 ㅠ
평생박세림해야겠다 pic.twitter.com/z7XPEEFOmt
"200905 Cravity Serim's video call
I don't think there's any other idols like him in this world
I showed you the name "Confucian-Vity"
I wrote my name once in one of the letter back then and he called me by my name
He said I don't need any scripts for the call and that he'll fill the call with just himself talking to me.
He said that he read all of my letters and that he got upset for meㅠ
I'll stan Park Serim for the rest of my life"
Serim: Ah you're XX nuna? Hul daebak. Oh seriously nuna I really wanted to see you. Nuna, you don't need the script, I'll say everything. Nuna I really wanted to see you, I've read all of the letters you've left. Nuna mentioned that lately you had some hardships happening in your life, my heart ripped for you I was so upset. Nuna thank you for always writing good things to me. Everytime nuna writes me something, my heart becomes warm. I wanted to see nuna so much, thank you for coming here. Please you need to come again. I'm so excited right now, I'm excited because you came. Thank you so much nuna, always.
He said 'You don't need a script, I'll say everything!!!
His shocked expression was so cuteㅋㅋㅋ
20200620 크래비티 영통팬싸 세림 후기
— 원진아누나야 (@wonjinanunaya) June 20, 2020
편집 없이 올립니다
공카에 편지를 몇 번 썼는데요
라고 하자마자 내가 쓴 편지의 내용을 말하는 아이
그 가사가 마음에 와 닿아
메모장에 옮겨 두고 계속 보고 있다는 아이
오늘 영통 전에도 그 가사를 보았노라 말하는 아이
오늘은 행복해도 되겠지요 pic.twitter.com/0aXv1kQAGO
"20200620 Cravity video fansign Serim afterthoughts
I'm releasing the call without editing
The moment I said "I've written you a few letters in the official fancafe"
He started talking about the content of my letters.
He said that the lyrics touched his heart (t/n: OP probably sent him song lyrics)
And that he put it on a memo note to keep looking at it
He said that he even looked at it once before coming to the video chat today"
Serim: I suddenly can't think of it, but there was a part in the lyrics that I really touched me so I saved that part, what it said was so cool. I even put it on a memo note but I can't remember it right now it talked about people(?) *OP tells him the lyrics* Ah yes yes!!! I put that on a memo pad (inaudible) thank you"
original post: here
1. ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I honestly want this friend to succeed
2. I hope he succeeds, he's too sweet
3. Wowㅠㅠㅠ You can feel how sincere he is, this is the best. I'm getting touched
4. I would stan him for life if I were his fanㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so touched
5. OMG... I hope he succeeds even more in the futureㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
6. He's an angel. As an idol fan, I can tell you that you can't fake this... I hope he succeeds
7. Fanservice is something, but his memory is seriously amazing
8. Huh? He needs to succeed... This is so touching
9. I bet the fan was so touched. I'm getting touched too
10. Look at his expression, he's so soft and cute