I'm jealous, f*ck
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original post: here\

1. [+208, -5]
But Twice all have healthily skinny bodies...

2. [+183, -9]
But Nayeon who's next to her isn't losing either? Why are Twice's bodies so pretty?

3. [+133, -14]
No but aren't Momo's legs f*cking awesome? She has wide hips so her legs don't touch and are straight...

4. [+91, -2]
But all of Twice has freaking nice bodies... I find it fascinating that the 9 of them have such a good balance. They have some kind of a height difference but their proportions and bodies are similar and nice so their choreographies don't look sloppy

5. [+52, -28]
What's even more of a fraud is that she has a big chest on top of that

6. [+41, -3]
I think that Jihyo is even more awesome. She's not like those kids who were always skinny but I truly believe that she's impressive for turning her body like this...

7. [+28, -4]
She looks 172 cm tall. Aren't those proportions for 162 cm solid?

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